As a parent of a covid recovered child, I am especially concerned about the potential vaccine mandate for all children in public & private schools in NY (an assembly bill A08378 has been introduced) I have been following your substack closely and wondering if any studies of Covid recovered & vaccinated children are in progress and when might we have more information? I feel at this point in time, I can’t in good conscience allow my child to be vaccinated without any AE data.

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Really well done! AS you say, this data should not be left out due to oversight. this category is HUGE. One might even argue central.

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You state you are a physician and hope that vaccinated someone previously infected will result in better immunity. Has there ever been a vaccine developed that has been used in those who have already recovered from the same disease? I am not a physician but it is my understanding that vaccines have always been used to provide immunity to those who have not had the disease. The EUA for these vaccines was for active immunization for the prevention of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2. Only after that narrative failed did the CDC begin to say its real purpose was to prevent severe covid. I would have thought the EUA should have been rescinded.

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Omission of data and statistics has happened before, also for a flu drug...


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